Team Leader Training for short term mission exposure/engagement trips.

A desire to share the good news, Romans 10:13-15, is increasingly found within the hearts of our youth.

Short Term Mission trips both here and overseas can be a great foundation for a life on mission.

If it’s your role to encourage mission/youth within your Church, please contact Lincoln at or 027 213 2074 for further info.

Our Team Leader Training gives the people who will lead their church’s mission trips practical, hands-on training in Building Character, Building Team Unity, Building Bridges to Culture, Debriefing and how to stay engaged in Mission. They go home with practical tools they can use as they train, equip and serve with their short-term mission team.

The leaders will also be equipped to lead team training, and they will be given a workbook, goer guide and resources including curriculum helps and ideas to use in team meetings before, during and after their trip.

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