STM Host Handbook
A brief guide for those who host short-term mission teams, helping you think through how to utilize teams as well as think through budget, logistics, orientation and debriefing.
Field Team Request Form
This form will help you think through and organize all the information you will need to effectively host a short-term mission team.
In case of emergency
Here are a couple of tools to help you think through, prepare for and manage emergencies on the field. Our hope and prayer is that you never need them, but it is best to be prepared!
On-Field Debriefing Outline
An outline and questions for an on-field debrief day at the end of the trip. It is important to help STMers to process their experiences and prepare to return to their home country.
Personal Information Form
This form is from The Next Mile and is to be completed by Short-Term Mission team members so you as host know what skills, talents and background each team member has.
Host and Team Leader Debriefing Questions
These questions will help you and the team leader debrief and evaluate the STM experience before the team leader heads home.
Standards of Excellence in STM
iTeams New Zealand seeks to abide by these seven standards for excellence in short-term mission.